Surface waves in turbulent and laminar submesoscale flow


Surface gravity waves–wind waves and swell–can affect the upper ocean in a number of ways. The Craik-Leibovich Boussinesq (CLB) equations are an asymptotic approximation to the fluid equations that filter out the processes leading to surface gravity and sound waves, but preserve the Stokes drift coupling between surface gravity waves and flow. The CLB equations are amenable to Large Eddy Simulations of Langmuir (wave-driven) Turbulence and analysis. I will present recent work with my colleagues studying the effects of Stokes drift in the CLB equations. Surprising and unsurprising results for laminar flow balances, turbulent fluxes, and coupling between turbulence and submesoscale flow will be discussed. Important remaining questions will be highlighted.

Jun 25, 2013 3:30 PM — 4:30 PM
Bechtel Collaboratory, Discovery Learning Center
Engineering Center, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309

Geological Sciences Department, Brown University