National Institute of Standards and Technology

Thomas J. Bruno, Ph.D. leads the Experimental Properties of Fluids Group at NIST, Boulder, Colorado. He received his B.S. in chemistry from Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in physical chemistry from Georgetown University. He has done research on properties of fuel mixtures, explosives, reacting fluids, environmental pollutants and development of novel analytical methods. In his research areas, Tom has published over 250 research papers, 7 books, and has been awarded 9 patents, and is one of the most highly cited authors at NIST. He serves as regional editor of Fuel Processing Technology (Elsevier) and as associate editor of the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and physics. He is the recipient of numerous awards including the Department of Commerce Bronze and Silver Medals, and the American Chemical Society Colorado Section Research Award.
